15 research outputs found


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    Disinformation as warfare in the digital age may not be so different than any other type of warfare; wars are fought for power, and some benefit economically while the vulnerable suffer the most. The vast majority of conflicts today are not fought by nation states and their armies; increasingly, they are fought not with conventional weapons but with words. A specific sort of weaponry—“fake news” and viral disinformation—has been at the center of policy discussions, public debates, and academic analyses in recent years. Everyone who is active on digital platforms can be responsible in the simplest of ways: not lashing out, not commenting, not sharing

    Diversidad y derechos. La conexión entre la reforma mediática y los medios públicos

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    This article addresses the gap between media reform movements and support for public service media (PSM). It argues that the “critical juncture” created by the challenges of digitalization has shifted the focus from diversity to communication rights as a central aim for media reform. It posits that rights-based approach would position PSM in the framework of different media reform movements, and hence foster new alliances by connecting it to media freedom and digital rights discourses. In addition, it suggests that media reform movements would benefit from supporting PSM as a tool for achieving democratic communication rights.El siguiente artículo aborda la distancia existente entre los movimientos que defienden la reforma de los medios y el propio apoyo a los medios públicos. En él, se defiende que el “momento crítico” que se ha generado a partir del reto de la digitalizacion ha acabado por desplazar el foco del tema de la diversidad a la concepción de la comunicación como derecho en tanto que aspiración central dentro de la reforma mediática. El texto argumenta que un acercamiento basado en la comunicación como derecho posicionaría a los medios públicos dentro del marco de acción de los movimientos pro-reforma y, por lo tanto, permitiría promover nuevas alianzas al conectar estos movimientos con discursos centrados en las ideas de la libertad mediática y los derechos digitales. Además, se sugiere que los movimientos proreforma pueden beneficiarse de su propia defensa de los medios públicos como herramienta de cara a lograr derechos democráticos asociados a la comunicación

    Nadilaženje granica javnog medijskog servisa: vrednovanje novih modela

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    This article addresses the need for new models of public service media. First, the article looks at the core factors, or borders, that frame the quest for new models: the digitalization, deinstitutionalization, and globalization of communication. It then outlines some suggested models for public service. Finally, the models are assessed in terms of how they respond to some core challenges for public service media as a concept and as an institution.Ovaj rad ističe potrebu za novim modelima javnog medijskog servisa. Prvo se u radu daje pregled ključnih faktora, odnosno granica koje uokviruju potragu za novim modelima, a to su: digitalizacija, deinstitucionalizacija i globalizacija komunikacije. Potom se sažeto opisuju pojedini predloženi modeli javnog medijskog servisa. Na kraju rada ti su modeli vrednovani s obzirom na to kako odgovaraju na potrebu nužnog nadilaženja starih granica postojećeg javnog medijskog servisa

    Oikeuksien ongelmat alustojen aikakaudella

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    Arvio teoksesta: Jørgensen, Rikke Frank, toim. 2019. Human Rights in the Age of Platforms. Cambridge,Massachusetts: MIT Press, 342 s

    Assessing Media Platformization in Small Nations: A Rights-Based Approach

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    The rise of the internet and the subsequent global reach of digital platforms has provided entirely new participatory opportunities for citizens and created new types of content and services in both national and global media landscapes. At the same time, we have witnessed serious new challenges to individuals, organizations, and society, including political polarization, rampant and viral mis- and disinformation, diminishing trust in knowledge institutions, and the like. In this article, we introduce a citizen-centric model of four communication rights as a normative-evaluative framework for assessing the impact of this so-called platformization as it pertains to small nations, with the case of Finland as an empirical illustration

    Operationalising communication rights : the case of a “digital welfare state”

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    Academic debates tend focus on attempts to codify and promote communication rights at the global level. This article provides a model to analyse communication rights at a national level by operationalising four rights: access, availability, dialogical rights, and privacy. It highlights specific cases of digitalisation in Finland, a country with an impressive record as a promoter of internet access and digitalised public services. The article shows how national policy decisions may support economic goals rather than communication rights, and how measures to realise rights by digital means may not always translate into desired outcomes, such as inclusive participation in decision-making.Peer reviewe